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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Chapter 18: One Desperate Attemp

“How could you do this?! I trusted you, Graham.”

“Really? Well, let’s talk about trust Vicky. What was Leetson doing at your party to start with? True, you were looking for another job while enjoying all the benefits you would’ve had working with me only you have a whole year off.

That year was for you to take some time to think. Think about us. But yet the first thing you do once you are free is flirt with my best friend and look for another job. You thought I wouldn’t find out?”

“Loyalty?! I’m all for a talk on loyalty. Me flirting with Gary is nothing compared to what happened between you and Keshia. Oh, I bet you thought I didn’t know. But I knew all along. I kept waiting for one of you to confess and apologize but nothing, you guys kept it secret because you believe you could get away with it. How many times? How many times?”

Graham opened his mouth but he was speechless. It had never crossed his mind that Vicky could’ve known. She started to cry.

“Do you have any idea how I felt? Betrayed by the man I loved and my best friend. Especially Keshia who was always such a goody two shoes. I spent all those nights with you just knowing you weren’t faithful. I even accepted your marriage proposal because I was unable to let you go…”

Graham approached Victoria and held her tight.

“I swear to you it only happened once. We were both drunk and the situation got out of control. We decided not to tell you because it seemed like the best thing to do. Vicky, I loved you. More than anything in the world and I didn’t want to hurt you.

I am truly ashamed you found out on your own and not through me. I wanted to tell you so many times but it just never seemed right. Then it was just easier to keep it inside for both our sakes. I deeply regret what happened that night and I could never erase it or make it up to you. I’m sorry.”

“How did we ever get to here? I should’ve been able to tell you I was leaving you because I was insecure. That I knew about you and Keshia. It would’ve saved us from this whole mess.”

“Maybe we couldn’t be saved, Vicky…”

“Do you really mean it? Alice, you haven’t been seeing her for long. Is it really serious? I’m sure you still love me, Graham. I just know it. I let you see an awful side of me lately but that is not me. We should start over.”

This was out of Victoria’s character. Graham didn’t know what to believe anymore. If part of him felt guilty she was so insecure during the relationship after he strayed. The other part felt she was responsible because she never confronted him.

There was also Alice in the equation. He couldn’t just get back to Victoria. It was too complicated. But he could feel he still cared and maybe even loved her just by considering it.

“Vicky, I have to think. I’m really sorry. I wish I had an answer for you but I don’t. I just don’t. I have to sort out my feelings. I promise, whatever I decide, you’ll be first to know.”


Caroline said...

Hey guys, I was suppose to have two posts this week but I was sick. I promise you a new post very soon though. I'm feeling a lot better and I can tell you what's coming next is well worth it! ;)

DDgirl said...

such a turn-around of things! great entry buddy, go on!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Did I miss a chapter? It went from 16 to 18?

Caroline said...

Oops, sorry about that. I corrected a mistake in chapter 17. Maybe I saved it as a draft instead of republishing it. It is available now. ;)

Erica said...
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Erica said...

Really good entry, girl! I'm on pins and needles waiting for the next development. I hope Vicky crashes n burns.


(ahaha I'm not sure what just happened with my computer. please forgive me :) )