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Monday, January 21, 2008

Chapter 41: Confession

"Graham! I arrived as soon as I could. Mandy was just starting her interrogation when I left. How is Nathan?"

"I don't know, Alice, he got out of surgery just a moment ago. Keshia is talking to the doctor as we speak. I'm worried about her."

"Yes, it must be very hard to know you might lose the one you love."

For a moment Graham wondered if Alice had any idea how it felt. He could remember so clearly when she was laying on her hospital bed after her car accident or when Victoria pointed the gun towards Alice. He knew what it felt like; he could feel Keshia's pain.

"The detective asked a lot of questions..."

"I know, I guess he wants to be able to picture as accurately as possible tonight's events."

"Yes, probably. He'll want to speak to Keshia as well."

"Naturally...I'm sorry, Alice, this small talk is just not doing it for me. Let's just hold each other."

Graham held Alice tightly. If he could have it his way, he thought, he would never let her go.

"There is something I need to tell you, Graham..."

"Honey, it'll have to wait. Keshia seems distraught. She needs us now."

Graham walked quickly towards Keshia.

"[..]next few hours will tell it all."

"But he's alive isn't he?"

"Like I said before, he's hanging by a thread but yes."

"But you'll save him, right?"

Graham put his hand over Keshia's shoulder and asked the doctor to stay. He walked her to Alice so she wouldn't be alone and went back to the doctor.

"Doctor, I don't think she is in a state of mind where she will pay attention to any of what you are saying. How bad is it?"

"The bullet caused a lot of damage. Even if he does survive, we don't know the extend of brain damage. The chances he will make it through the night are very slim. I know Mrs. Long wants to hold on to the to the hope a miracle will happen but frankly, I doubt it. She will be able to see her husband for a few minutes in a moment. If you'll excuse me, I have to leave. I'll be back a little later."

"Thanks, doctor."

"He's alive, Graham, he's alive! It's all that matters; Nathan is alive."

"Yes, he's alive Keshia."

Graham looked at Alice, They both were not sure how to react. Keshia would clearly not accept Nathan's death if he didn't make it. They had both run out of comforting words when a nurse came by to bring Keshia to Nathan's bed head.

"Graham, now that we're alone, I really need to tell you something. I don't want you to find out from anyone else."

He had never seen that look in Alice's eyes before, he didn't know what to think.

"I am responsible for all that happened tonight. I am to blame. I should be lying on that bed, not Nathan Long. That bullet was meant for me."

"Don't ever say that Alice. It's not your fault. Although you asked me to let Victoria on stage, I didn't have to. I don't know what I would've done if I had lost you. Nathan is strong. He'll make it. You cannot be held responsible for Victoria's actions."

"Even if I provoked it?"

"What do you mean, provoked it?"

"She called a few hours before we left. Desperately wanted to speak with you. I told her we were getting ready for our engagement party and to never call the house again. That if there was anything she could or should do would be to right her wrongs. She knew about the engagement because I told her. She was there because I "invited" her."


Anonymous said...

How was Alice supposed to know she invited both 'bitchy' and 'crazy' Victoria? it...and NOW I'm waiting patiently. (I had a slight brain malfunction on my last comment..haha)

Carmel Beauty said...

I agree with BMR who would have know that "crazy" was going to show up. I hope that Nathan is alright I would hate for Victoria to win in the end.

Caroline said...

Grrr! I'm extremely tired so I'm basically falling asleep on my next post. Tomorrow I'm hyper busy! So unless I wake up in the middle of the night with the urge to finish the post; it will go to the weekend. Sorry but work is leaving me without much energy.