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Thursday, December 07, 2006

Chapter 5: A Night Out

"I vote for another club!"

"Why Keshy? We all LOVE Kisses, it's the place to be."

Keshia subtly hit Mandy with her elbow and pointed the club's entrance.

"Apparently someone else is in the mood to party."

It was hard to tell if Victoria was mad or amused as she stared at Graham stepping into the club. Mandy was definitely amused and Keshia knew this night would probably be a disaster. Victoria could be so unpredictable, she doubted Vicky saw Gary but it was only a matter of time before she did.

Victoria walked towards the entrance, determined, her night would not be ruined. Graham wanted to move on already? Fine, but she'd make him pay for it. For every minute of fun he'd have tonight, she'd have ten. By the end of the night, he'd be wrapped around her fingers again.

"So Graham is here...can you believe he's already thinking of partying?!"

"Well, you are, Vicky!"

"Shut up, Keshy, I have the right to, that's who I am. I'm furious, do you have any idea how many groupies will be chasing him all night? It's just not something you do right after a break-up!"

"Nice double standard, girl! You don't tell me to shut up, especially not when I'm right. And the groupies might keep their distance, he's not alone."

"You're talking about Gary? You have to be kidding me, he lives for this. And he hates me, I never understood why."

"I don't think Keshia is referring to Gary, there's a brunette with them, well, more with Graham."

"Emergency restroom meeting, I need a plan."

This was Victoria, plans and more plans, the events couldn't just flow, everything had to be planned. Emergency meeting in the restrooms could only mean that she was looking for another tactic. The fun was gone already; she had a goal tonight and would stop at nothing to reach it.

Graham handed out a cosmopolitan to Alice. He was glad he went out, especially with her, he needed to unwind. Gary ruined the whole mood with just one sentence.

"Victoria Lane is in the house!!!"

"What do you mean?"

"She's here, I've been going around to see wherever all the beautiful ladies where hiding. Excepting you, Alice, of course. You don't hide, you shine through and I just followed your glow to find my way back."

Alice blushed; Gary’s attitude was annoying Graham. He felt very protective of her and Gary wasn't exactly a guy he would set her up with. Yet, like any girl, she seemed to like the attention. He thought about Victoria coming to the same venue he chose. Should he avoid her? Go straight to her and say hi? He just didn't know what to do. What if she already knew he was here? Why didn't she bother to say hi? Could it be because of Alice?

"I'm going to the restrooms, boys"

"Don't worry, Alice, we are not going anywhere, Princess."

Alice smiled at Gary, was it the start of a new romance? Thankfully Alice was leaving them alone, probably long enough for Graham to get a message to his best friend considering her.

Alice was done and was about to get out when she heard a familiar voice. She was approached the toilet stall and looked through the small opening. It was indeed Victoria Lane and what she was saying was anything but nice.

"Yuck, he's with Alice!!! Of all people, why her? She's so, so...ordinary. He should go for someone in his league. From me to Alice? I won't tolerate it. I need a plan and quick, I don't want that ugly duck spending the night with him."

"With any luck, she'll end up with Gary. Don't they all end up in his bed anyways? Forget female solidarity, I say we distract Graham and let her fall for the player's game."

"Mandy are you still mad about Vicky not telling you about Gary? From where I stand, this is mean, she seems like a nice girl."

"Who cares about nice, Keshia? I agree with Mandy; this will definitely teach that idiot to stay where she belongs which is the bottom of the ladder! There's no way Graham is interested in her anyways, she's someone you are friends with out of pity. Graham pities a lot of people."

A tear rolled down Alice's cheek, she didn't want to hear of believe Victoria's words and yet they were getting to her. She quickly wiped the tear and decided she would be strong; that evil witch wouldn't win. She flushed, got out of the stall, walked straight to the sink right next to Victoria and her friends. She thought she was moving pretty quickly but the action seemed to be in slow motion.

Alice dried her hand and move towards the exit walking right by Victoria, looked at her straight in the eye before turning her head and leaving while Vicky stood in the same spot in open-mouthed astonishment. Alice had just snubbed someone, and not just anyone! She didn't want revenge but was certainly not going to see the man she loved get tangled in her web once again. As a woman in love and a friend, she had to know she did everything in her power to keep Victoria away from him.

Sixth chapter: December 11th--- If It's War You Want

Chapter 5 continuation


Anonymous said...

I like the story line a lot. My only suggestion is either write in word to begin with so all the spelling errors are correct when they are put up for your readers or just reread and correct before posting. cant wait for the next post!

Anonymous said...

my only suggestion is more detail!!! describe Alice's outfit how confident or unconfident she felt walking in with
Graham and Gary. Talk about the scene was it crowded or uncrowded. Did it not matter because the only face that was really clear the whole evening was Grahams? I find when I read stories with more details its easier to picture the scene and more intriguing to read about. Also I agree with the person above about rereading before posting.

Anonymous said...

This is getting better.